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The Pension Plan is a Taft-Hartley multiemployer plan governed by equal representation of labor and management trustees.

The Boilermaker-Blacksmith National Pension Trust is a defined benefit retirement plan established in 1960 designed to assure a stable source of income at retirement as it promises eligible participants a lifetime benefit in a specific monthly amount at retirement based on hours and contributions worked and reported to the Fund.

This Plan is a qualified plan under federal tax law and is nationally geographically covered. Participants work in a wide variety of industries: field construction, manufacturing shops, shipyards, forging and metal trades so it is comforting to know these Pension benefits are portable which allows you to continue coverage under the Plan if you change from one participating employer to another participating employer.

Pension Documents & Forms

Page Last Updated: Dec 07, 2021 (08:10:19)
Boilermakers National Funds
P. O. Box 909700
Kansas City, MO 64190-9700

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